Did you know the heart has an electromagnetic field 5 times greater than our brain & can reach 10 feet outside of our physical body? With this expansiveness we have the capacity to give and receive with so much gratitude, compassion & connection to the world around us. You know the feeling when you place your hands to your heart and breathe in softness to this space, you immediately feel yourself relax, and perception shifts and expands from the heartspace. Imagine if we greeted the world from that place everyday. With a few herbs we can soften our heartspace and open ourselves up to so much love & magic.
Heartspace Herbal Drops gently guides us to that space within, bringing our focus from our head into our heart. A loving blend of herbs that deeply nourish the heart and ground us into our truest nature while protecting & helping us to hold boundaries.
Pair with In My Feels to cultivate the most loving relationship with yourself. A sensual blend of herbs to relax the nervous system, strengthen self-confidence & bring you back into your body while gently grazing your periphery & reigniting your senses.